NAMS Group has endorsed NODEM software in October 2006 as ODM software tool to be implemented in New Zealand and elsewhere. NODEM is the only software of its kind which is currently endorsed by the NAMS Group.


NODEM Limited - defining a new dimension for Asset Management

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National Asset Management Steering (NAMS) Group is a non-profit organisation established in 1995, has been promoting asset management in New Zealand through the development of best practice guidelines.

NAMS Group has released Optimised Decision Making (ODM) Guidelines in 2004 for decision making and economic analysis of the maintenance, renewal and replacement of infrastructure assets

Following ODM guidelines NODEM Ltd has developed a software tool - NODEM, which can easily be configured to user requirements to assist in decision making on infrastructure assets. NODEM is an off-the-shelf product available in Developer version and User version.

Any asset owner has several difficult decisions to make in distributing limited funds available to maintain assets. For example where and how to allocate limited funding between:

  • Social sector or infrastructure development;

  • Pipelines improvement or transportation network development;
  • Roads or railways or cable ways; or
  • Replacement or rehabilitation or continue maintenance etc.

Decisions made based on quadruple bottom line (QBL), i.e. social, cultural, economical and environmental factors, would ensure sustainable management of the infrastructure assets. NODEM can be used to undertake economic analysis, risk analysis and multi-criteria analysis and thus QBL reporting is possible.



NODEM is an open ended analysis software that can be integrated with any other asset information or management system such as RAMM, HANSEN or Confirm. The outputs from other analysis engines such as NZdTIMS, HDM-4 or any other AMIS can also be imported into NODEM for further ODM analysis. The system can be configured to compare different Levels of Service and its outputs can be discussed with community in making decisions as part of LTCCP consultation.

NODEM is non-asset specific software. NODEM can be applied to all infrastructure assets such as footpaths, streetlights,  bridges, signs, storm water and sewer pipe lines, parks, buildings etc.

Data Analysis

  • Defining long-term performance standard;

  • Needs analysis for achieving LOS.

Benefit Cost Analysis

  • Predictive modelling;

  • Quantifying benefits and costs;

  • Prioritisation and Optimisation;

  • Programming and scheduling.

Risk Analysis

  • Define expected and uncertainty;

  • Managing risk;

  • Prioritising based on risk identified.

Multi Criteria Analysis

  • Defining priority and weighted index for parameters;

  • Prioritisation based on defined criteria.

Asset Valuation

  • Based on NAMS Asset Valuation & Depreciation guidelines;

  • Compatible to FRS3 requirements.

Cross-Asset Optimisation

  • Strategy analysis for policy formulation;

  • Prioritising projects between different assets.